Learning to Supervise? It’s like riding a bike…

I am really excited about co-facilitating the Diploma in Supervision, which is now taking applications for 2023 academic year. Not only do I believe supervision is a key component of a potent and safe practice, I really enjoy  practicing and teaching it. When the idea came about, I got in touch with the memory of teaching my children to ride a bike and how different it was for each: one require stabilisers and didn't want to let them go. Another wanted the stabilisers but quickly found they are hindering their ability to ride wanting them off, and one didn't want them at all.

They all eventually needed to learn how to ride without stabilisers, and it required some initial holding, to push them slightly to get momentum and to eventually let them go. They required encouragement to believe in their abilities and have fun, as well as overcome their fears or over confidence. In essence, they needed to increase their awareness of their balance, risk, dangers and pitfalls and most importantly their safety and the safety of others around them.

Teaching a proficient practitioners how to supervise is really about getting them in touch with their own experience. After hundreds of client hours, and a few more talking about them in supervision, we intuitively know how to ride that bike. As a supervisor myself, I am inspired by Covey’s 8th habit to "Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs." (2004). I trust, that you will find yours.

Case Consultations

From Berne Seminars, Balint Groups to Yalom’s process focus, the tradition of leveraging group dynamics in service of the client is a powerful, transformative and stimulating experience for practitioners at all levels.

In this 1 day workshop, the group will engage in case material brought by the participants by paying attention to the somatic, symbolic and transferential.  This will be done through play, experimentation and discussion along with formulating and paying attention to your own developmental focus as a practitioner.

More information and booking at Here

Exam Prep Group

Are you thinking about Certifying as a Transactional Analyst? Or needing support in writing your CTA or preparing for the Oral exam? Or maybe you have finished training and looking for a place to continue to  develop your identity as a practitioner?

Friday morning (9-12) group is re-starting this October, which will meet online, will be based on co-creative principles and will meet every 6-8 weeks for 3 hours.

* No spaces available 

Group Supervision

Are you ready to expand your frame in a safe and stimulating space? maybe you want support in finding your own voice and identity as a practitioner ? Do you want to join a wee practitioners tribe? I'm in the process of setting up new Group Supervision for 2020. If you are interested you can contact me via form below.

* No spaces available on Friday Mid-day groups - suitable for Trainee / Beginner Practitioner.

*No spaces available on Friday groups - suitable for Qualified Practitioner.

Individual Supervision

No Spaces available for 1:1 Supervision - in person or Zoom.

Focus of Supervision

Supervision is about your clients and how your relationship with them affects their change process. and that is the key differentiator between supervision and therapy. It is about you, in relation to your clients. It’s about developing your identity as a practitioner and therefore enhancing your Potency in facilitating change with others. I invite supervisees to explore and refine their narrative about their practice using three guiding questions: why they do what they do, what they do, and how they do it. This is done from the fundamental TA presupposition that the supervisee and supervisor are OK, with explicit and agreed contract.

So What is Supervision?

NICE guidelines describe Clinical Supervision as a formal process of professional support and process which enables practitioners to develop knowledge and competence and assume responsibility for your own practice.

Aside from good practice, supervision is a key requirement for all practitioners of mental health, and accreditation bodies mandate it. Supervision enhances protection and safety of care in complex clinical situations by assuring that you attend to ethical and professional challenges that are likely present in your practice, and is best done in a safe, open and supportive environment.