What it Depression?

Depression demystifiedDepression is used to describe prolonged low mood combined with a collection of symptoms such as abnormal sadness, tendency to cry, loss of enjoyment and interest in life, lack of motivation, poor concentration, sleeping problems, irritability and restlessness. Some also feel a strong sense of isolation, and repetitive thoughts about death and suicide.

The cause of depression is not clear, and may develop for no apparent reason. It may also be triggered, or deteriorate following life events such as relationship problems, bereavement, financial difficulties, illness, redundancy etc. The life events that provoke depression tend to have some similarities in regards to the individual experience, and may include loss, devaluation in self esteem, and experience of defeat, entrapment and lack of a sense of control. In addition almost all events involve some kind of inter-personal crisis.

Current figures estimate that 2 in 3 adults develop a depressive episode at some point during the course of their life.  Some people have two or more episodes of depression in their lifetime.

Snap out of it?

"Get over it!" and "Snap out of it!" are probably the worse things that can be said to a depressed person. It will probably just reinforce the situation, as being depressed, means that you feel you cannot snap out of it. Some depressive episodes are minor and may pass with time, however some require professional help. If the symptoms are present for more than a couple of weeks it is recommended that you contact your GP.

We Often take these expectations for granted and as “truth” or as "rules" and they can cause conflict, misunderstanding and even loss of closeness and heartache. In therapy you can begin to explore what these expectations are in a safe and open environment and look to find a common ground and shared language. It doesn’t mean that all conflict will go away, but the manner that you approach it can dramatically alter and invite intimacy and openness.

Talking therapy is a recognised treatment for depression. By talking about what is going on, the cycle of isolation is broken and allows you to understand what is going on and identify potential changes that can support and increase your sense of your well being. It can even become a point in your life that involves personal growth for you, and for your relation ship with the people who surround you.

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